Posted tagged ‘reflection’

There are only 9 min left to this day….

March 30, 2009

It is late on Sunday night, I am good tired.  I gave the light I had today.   I reserved little.  It felt a little like I bled to death in public.  I hope it helped somebody. 

I am grievously tired of religiosity.  I wish that Pharisees were only ancient Bible characters, instead of clumsy brutish people bent on fixing others.  I wish people who think that they have it all together would take it somewhere else.  They attempt surgery with machetes and paint with steel wool.  They have no art.

Abba, make me more artful.

What is Worth Knowing?

October 2, 2008

We are in what many call the “information age”.  The contents of entire libraries are at our fingertips.  University search engines provide every doctoral research paper instantaneously.  Second graders and seniors citizens alike Google each fleeting thought.  Television evangelist, both religious and political vie for our votes, our money and our minds.  Raw data is everywhere.  We have been deluged with input and stimuli, but rarely is contemplation encouraged.

Information is not just conveyed, it is spun.  The art of persuasion has given way to the tactic of spin.  It is now deemed learned to be able to make every statement as a propositional declaration to which dissent is a sure sign of a feeble mind.  Even what passes for dissent requires an insincere wink.  Thoughtful positions don’t make good sound bits and we seem to have the intellectual curiosity of gnats.  Public discourse has taken on the a Machiavellian nature.  Lies, overstatements and slight-of-hand have all become acceptable tools to cut through the milieu in order to sway the contemptible masses.

What if we were to attempt to preserve or restore our collective sanity?  What is worthy of the promise of human thought and creativity?  If we took just a moment to reflect and (dare we say) expand our vision, what is it that we might consider considering?  In the great narrative of our lives, what is worthy of our mental, intellectual, emotional and spiritual pursuit?

It would have to be something of a more affective capacity than the momentary news cycle, political season, fad or nouveau theology.  If we were going to stop and think about something for longer than the time it takes to delete the daily spam; if we are going to allow ourselves to feel something more residing than the last wave of nausea we experienced as we added up our monthly bills; then, it should be something of real significance.  It should transcend the moment and yet be relevant to it. 

It should be the kind of thing that stretches out for a ways in front of us.  It should matter.  It should be deeply relevant regardless of who controls the White House or the media outlets.  It should be the kind of thing with which philosopher struggle.  It should be the kind of thing that Jesus would ponder. 

Maybe a starting place is Ephesians 5:10, “and find out what pleases the Lord”.  Don’t dismiss me yet!  I am not talking about rules best suited for “gotcha” soundbites.  I am talking about the mystery found in the depths of relationship.  Finding out what pleases a God who came down from Heaven and laid His life down for the express purpose of being able to restore relationship.  The God who suffered the cross, specifically so that He would no longer count people’s sins against them. (2 Corinthians 5:18-19)

If He would suffer death on a cross in order to not play “soundbite gotcha”, what pleases Him?  If He fulfilled the law and paid the sacrifice, so that it would not be held against you – so that you could be reconciled to God – what now pleases Him?  We are called to walk in the Light of that knowledge.  Think about it…